7 Things Most Spouses Want For A Lasting Relationship

Adukwu, Paul Abah
3 min readMay 15, 2022


Some relationships are built on superficial qualities like good looks and sexual chemistry as they were the early indicators of compatibility. There are a few more significant characteristics a spouse looks for in his or her co-partner as they hope to spend the rest of their lives together.

The under-mentioned factors are the essential qualities that most spouses want in a relationship.

# Trustworthiness

Trust and trustworthiness allow relationships to deepen; when a man is honest and trustworthy to his wife, that instantly becomes more appealing and desirable to her.

# Integrity

Having integrity means acting virtuously and having a strong moral character. In relationships, some people desire a partner who is rich or fair, but not strong when it comes to integrity. With integrity, the partners can strengthen the bond and become the best partners.

# Compassion & empathy

A person who is compassionate and empathetic is one step ahead when it comes to long-term relationships. Women are highly interested in a man who has the ability and desire to show care and concern for others; women want a man they can open up to, whether it’s about a bad day at the office or concerning their deepest hopes and fears. Having empathy means that you’re able to understand another person’s point of view and can sympathize with what they are going through.

# Expression of feelings

People prefer a person who isn’t afraid to show his or her true feelings and discuss them openly instead of a person who keeps everything bottled up inside of his or her mind.
It’s important to be able to show vulnerable or emotional feelings to build a lasting relationship.

# Respect

To have a healthy, happy, and lasting relationship, both partners have to treat each other with respect. If a spouse is taken for granted or treated poorly, the relationship is likely to end sooner to avoid a broken heart. That person will be more drawn to a man or woman who shows care and respect.

# A Sense of Humor

You don’t need to be a stand-up comedian or a comedy writer to capture people’s attention, but having the ability to goof off, joke around, and have a sense of humor is highly appealing. When two people are laughing at the same thing, they are saying, ‘I share your perspective, your values, and I certainly share what you think is amusing’. It’s simple science that a person who exudes a happy, lighthearted, and positive energy into the world will keep sustaining his or her spouse in the relationship world. For more information, navigate https://selar.co/m/BBIOnlineStore

# Maturity

You can show this by: Thinking rationally, not overreacting, keeping an open line of communication, solving problems together after careful discussion, and good behaviour. That’s not to say you can’t have fun and be silly together.


Trust, respect, and caring are the basis for a long-lasting relationship.

Photo by Becca Tapert on Unsplash



Adukwu, Paul Abah

l am passionate about information, learning, and innovation. Writing is my forte. I am interested in solving issues related to relationships and others